Web Design
August 2, 2018

What makes a 'good' website?

Your website is the first thing your customers judge your business on... this is how you make that first impression count!

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If you are a business offering goods or services, having a well-designed, functional website is vital because it’s the first impression of your company that potential customers are met with. Very few buying customers will come from passing your business in the street. It is far more likely that they have searched your product or service on a search engine and found your site or been recommended your business via word of mouth.

In today’s technologically savvy society, your website needs to be responsive and aesthetically pleasing on all devices – whether the customer is looking via a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or phone. This includes all links, forms and search boxes to be functioning just as required. If your page is too slow or doesn’t include the fundamental information clearly on each page, then this could mean that potential customers will click off the site quickly. 

To make your site as accessible as possible, it should be submitted to Google so that the search engine can scour your website and prepare it to be found on the world wide web. Not only this, but it needs to have page titles and descriptions which will help it to be indexed on Google. If your website requires users to submit sensitive information, an SSL certificate should be installed to ensure all data passed between the server and browser remains private.

Social media integrations are a great tool to promote your social media platforms on your website and supply an easy link to find them. This could lead to customers communicating with you through these and thus promoting your business to their own followers.

In terms of design and content, your website should be bespoke and individually constructed. It should be constantly updated, which will keep Google in the loop as to you still being ‘active’ and therefore ranking as an authoritative company.

At Fountain Digital, we can offer all of this and so much more from just £55 a month with NO upfront cost. Not only this, we are available for telephone and email support between the hours of 9:00am-5:30pm – speak to the creator of your website with no middleman. We are a friendly team whose priority is to make you feel comfortable and respected. We are always here for a chat so get in touch now to have a chat about what we could create for your business!

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