Brands that excel are brands that look great doing it.

We are passionate about design and making your business look the bees knees.

Neil Newnham
Taylor Osborn
Heather Whitmore
brand identity
You need to stand out amongst the rest.

Many companies source a number of different agencies or designers to produce their branded materials. Without any set brand guidelines this will inevitably lead to a confusing mess of different design ideas and concepts. Leaving your customers dumbfounded and swiftly moving onto the next business.

Every business needs a clear, precise and great looking brand to enforce their values; but most importantly become recognisable to customers. A remembered brand is the start of a potential sale.

Just like we all have identities, your brand needs one too.

Illustration of design elements: logo, color options, font styles, and an emoji with a surprised expression.
Be the best

Don't just give your customers a logo, give them an experience.

Whether you need your brand building from the ground up or if it needs a direction to follow. Our design team will give you everything you need to make that sale.

An illustrated design with text boxes and a Memoji-style character giving a thumbs up.
consistency is key
In order to give your business some brand continuity, you'll need a brand style guide.

Offering digital and print based style guides, the Fountain Digital design team can give your client facing media the brand identity and brand continuity it needs.